Meet with Giovanni Tridenti, CEO of Somacis-Graphic (DSG) at HKPCA

Our Asia Sales & Marketing Director, Sylvain Dromaint met with Somacis Graphic CEO, Giovanni Tridenti at HKPCA 2014 to discuss about DSG’s new investment and their choice of Acura LedLight for Inner and Outer layers production. 

See the video here

About Dongguan Somacis Graphic - Somacis SpA has joined forces with Graphic plc in an equal joint venture project to manufacture the full range of printed circuit boards. Dongguan Somacis Graphic PCB CO., Ltd also known as DSG, is fully equipped with the latest and most advanced technology equipment in a 66,000 square meter plant, state of the art facility, which produces any cutting-edge design of PCB.

About Acura LedLight - it is a fully automatic machine for PCB & Flex applications to produce Inner Layer, Outer Layer and Solder Mask panels. Its LedLight source enables up to 80% of cost saving energy compare to other traditional equipment, and achieves high image resolution in terms of definition 15µm (L/S) and registration ( ± 5µm). The LedLight source enables to achieve high and stable throughput over the years, achieving lowest cost per panel in the market.

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